Theoretical fundamentals of flight safety  

The study course develops a systematic approach to solving the problem of flight safety and the development and use of system thinking in issues related to the acquisition of methodological bases for the identification of causal relationships in the development of adverse aviation events and methods for its prevention. . This approach is based on the development and application of a "pilot-aeroplane-environment" behaviour model. Outcome: Knows the main tasks of safety theory, the principles of civil aviation safety and accident statistics for the last 10 years. - Practical works. Control work. Exam. Criteria: knows the statistics, causes of AN, ICAO, EASA, LRCAA documents. Knows and is able to use methods to reduce the adverse effects of risk factors on aircraft during flight. - Practical works. Control work. Exam. Criteria: able to determine the relative probability of an accident (adverse factor). Can identify non-standard (special) situations that occur during the flight. - Practical works. Control work. Exam. Criteria: identification of a specific non-standard situation according to available criteria. Knows and is able to determine flight safety statistics and analytical criteria. - Practical works. Control work. Exam. Criteria: calculation based on initial data for flight safety criteria. Able to provide an airline security risk assessment program. - Practical works. Control work. Exam. Criteria: must be able to assess the risks in the departments of the airline. Able to develop programmes. Able to analyse and use objective on-board analysis and information processing tools. - Practical works. Control work. Exam. Criteria: able to decipher objective onboard means records.
Theoretical fundamentals of flight safety

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